Dangerous Driving Aberdeen

Publié le 11 Janvier 2015

Dangerous driving is serious and for the driver who is charged with dangerous driving; however, sometimes a driver who is driving dangerously may not think they are driving dangerously. Examples of driving dangerously are talking on a cellphone while driving or putting on makeup when driving.

Examples of Driving Dangerously

According to the CPS in England, there is clear and helpful resource information on driving dangerously. The following are a few examples of driving dangerously:

  • Ignoring traffic lights, warnings from passengers or road signs
  • Racing or driving aggressively
  • Overtaking another car carelessly or dangerously
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Driving while being injured, not being able to see clearly or being sleepy
  • Driving with an unsafe load
  • Being distracted by reading, talking to another passenger or lighting a cigarette.

Lesser Charges of Careless Driving

It is important to keep in mind that if an accident doesn't result in an injury or serious damage, then a lesser charge of careless driving may be given. Some may not know it but in order for the prosecution to obtain a conviction for dangerous driving, the prosecution has to convince the court that the driving “fell far below what would be expected of a competent and careful driving.” When a death happens on the road and an offence may have been done, the police will investigate. If there is sufficient evidence, charges will be made. Penalties for dangerous driving depend on the category of dangerous driving.

High speed biker and motorists are attracted to rural roads around the Aberdeen area. They think that they know the roads well and often take risks when speeding in these areas. Those who do this need to remember that they will be targeted by the police. The police will be watching in the Aberdeen area; so take it easy when driving in this area.

To conclude, dangerous driving can cause serious accidents and death. So, for those driving in the Aberdeen area, slow down and save a life! See more information at Dangerous Driving Aberdeen.

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